Issue 4 (69)

Year 2020 Number 4(69)
Pages 118-126 Type scientific article
UDC 82-94 BBK 83.3(2)
Authors Podlubnova Julija S.
Antipina Zoya S.
Summary The article deals with the problem of constructing an autobiographical myth and using forms of auto-description in the works of P. P. Bazhov. The Ural author came to literature late, after the revolution and political work that had taught him to focus on requests and signals from the authorities. He clearly realized the borders of the Soviet and each time he chose in the subsequent writer’s work those forms of auto-description that avoided confessional constructions. Is it worth looking for some other P. P. Bazhov in his ego-texts and fiction? The following autobiographical essays and tales of the 1920–1940s were examined: “The Urals stories”, “For Soviet Truth”, “The Grasshopper”, “The Far — Close”, “Through Life”, some of his letters were considered as well. The analysis demonstrates that no matter what form of narration P. P. Bazhov uses, no matter what genre he addresses (from true story to memoir novella) the autos-description in his work turned out to be strategically reduced. P. P. Bazhov highlighted factography, documenting experience or creating an image of a place and reflecting an era and only then did the prose writer introduce markers of autobiography deliberately dosing information about himself each time integrating it into the general framework of Soviet constructs. It was this framework that fettered the author denying his right to memory, offering to remember only what worked to create the image of a Soviet journalist in the 1920s and Soviet writer in the 1940s. The self-representing constructions according to the articulated will of the writer faded into the background in the texts. However, P. P. Bazhov’s main auto-descriptive strategy was just such a curious creation of the Soviet version of the autobiography.
Keywords P. P. Bazhov, identity, auto-description, self-presentation, ego-texts, autobiography

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