Issue 1 (70)

Year 2021 Number 1(70)
Pages 160-169 Type scientific article
UDC 902(470.53)“639” BBK 63.4(235.55)
Authors Vostroknutov Artyom V.
Shmuratko Dmitry V.
Summary The article on the base of GIS-technologies reconstructs the tribal settlement system of the “Harin time” (5th–7th centuries) in the Perm Cis-Ural region. The basis for reconstruction is materials of 45 sites, forming five territorial groups. Each of these groups can be interpreted as a community (tribe) settlement area with internal economic unity. The comparative analysis of topographical peculiarities of the sites location, specifics of space organization, population dynamics, probable population size, communication links of groups made it possible to distinguish two types of adaptive strategies of human interaction with the environment. The first type has a producing economy (cattle-breeding) as its basis. This type was situated within the Tuisko-Poludenskaya and Sylvenskaya groups. The location of the settlements on the terraces above the floodplain in groups of two or three villages at some distance (about 3 km) from the necropolis is typical for this type. There are two or three groups of settlements within one territory, the distance between groups is about 6 km. The boundaries of the territory can be marked by hillforts, making up a single defensive / signal line. The second type is oriented to the appropriating economy — hunting and gathering — and was typical for the northern territories of the region (the Lologskaya, Gainskaya and Velvinskaya groups). The location of cemeteries near settlements (no more than 1 km) is typical for these territories. In this case, one cemetery often adjoins one village. There are from one to three or more such groups within the territory. The distance between them is 3–4 km. As a rule, there is one single hillfort in the territorial groups. In the first type, we can see the prevalence of local “Glyadenovo” traditions, and in the second — of foreign “Kharino” ones.
Keywords Great migration, Kharino type sites, Glyadenovo archaeological culture, settlement system, GIS

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