Issue 2 (71)

Year 2021 Number 2(71)
Pages 17-24 Type scientific article
UDC 736(470) BBK 85.125.7+63.3(2)52
Authors Budrina Ludmila A.
Summary In the 19th century stone-cutting art has become one of the brightest elements in the representation of the Russian Empire. World’s fairs provided ample opportunities for this representation. The article examines the structure of the collections and the list of the exhibitors at one of the largest fairs — The World’s Columbian Exposition of 1893. The paper draws upon both published and archival documents, including those which have not yet been used for the examination of the representation of Russia’s stone art at this exhibition. It reconstructs mineralogical, technical and typological diversity of the exhibited items and the principle of reciprocal completing of the exhibitors. It also analyzes the items presented by the imperial Petergof, Ekaterinburg lapidary and Kolyvan grinding factories, by Carl Woerffel’s enterprise and a wide range of small Ural producers as well. Due to discovering of archival materials, a number of items, exhibited in Chicago, was identified in themuseum collections in Russia and abroad. Some attributional details for the exhibited Woerffel items are offered which made it possible to propose the authorship and dating for the items from Russian and foreign collections. The author is also the first to analyze the collection, purchased at the exhibition from the Russian stonecutters for The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago. A conclusion is drawn about the role of the colored stones items and the importance of their presentation for the formation of the Russian Empire’s image as one of the most important world centers of the decorative stones development.
Keywords World’s Columbian exposition in Chicago, stonecutting art, lapidary factories, Woerffel, Sumin

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