Issue 2 (71)

Year 2021 Number 2(71)
Pages 46-54 Type scientific article
UDC 719 BBK 79.00
Authors Alekseeva Elena V.
Summary The article is devoted to the problem of revalorization (actualization of value) of the industrial heritage. Based on the analysis of the latest foreign and Russian publications, the author shows a wide range of options for repurposing industrial heritage objects, implemented in different countries for more than half a century. The attention is focused at some of the features of national approaches to the preservation and new use of old industrial buildings and territories. The author emphasizes the implemented and proposed projects for the adaptive reuse of factory buildings and sites in the Sverdlovsk region. Systematization of the studied material resulted in a classification of potential new functions for abandoned industrial facilities. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that typologization contributes both to a holistic understanding of the implemented solutions, specific achievements and miscalculations in the process of transforming territories, buildings, structures that lost their production function into modern objects which combine the memory of the previous stage of history and new useful functionality. The paper draws attention to the effectiveness of combining the efforts of professionals and civic initiative, cultural and government institutions, local, regional and state structures for the preservation of the national heritage of the industrial era. It emphasizes the integration of this underestimated resource into modern planning solutions for large and small cities, the creative social function of collective interaction in the process of revalorization industrial heritage.
Keywords world industrial heritage, revalorization, revitalization, typology, classification, Middle Urals, Ekaterinburg

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