Issue 2 (71)

Year 2021 Number 2(71)
Pages 65-70 Type scientific article
UDC 719(439) BBK 79.05(4Âåí)
Authors Németh Györgyi
Summary Socialist cities were assigned a vital role in the countries of the Eastern Bloc. Their establishment was primarily due to accelerated industrialisation designed to enhance the economic and political strength of the communist system worldwide. In addition, they were also to function as communist melting pots, providing inspiring spaces for the emergence of the archetype of the new socialist man and its model community. It is not surprising that socialist cities were fundamentally shaken by the change of the political system in the 1990s, which challenged their relation to industrialisation and the industrial heritage. Through the case study of two socialist cities in Hungary, Ózd and Dunaújváros (the latter formerly called Sztálinváros, Stalin-City), the paper aims to present the wavering evaluation of the industrial heritage over the three decades following the regime change and showcase how its various values became finally accommodated in the transformation of the cities. In Ózd, the monument protection and high-level reconstruction of the buildings of the former ironworks’ reading society and managers’ casino, as well as the innovative reuse of workshops like the Digital Power Plant and the National Film History Theme Park provide excellent examples of industrial heritage-based urban development. In Dunaújváros, the recent monument protection of the outstanding buildings of socialist realism and the newly-elaborated tourist route presenting their values facilitate understanding the past and improve the attractivity of the city. Methodologically, this paper will focus on comparative analysis instead of plain description in order to expose the multiple developments which were leading to the appreciation and utilisation of industrial heritage promoting sustainability in these two cities.
Keywords industrial heritage, socialist cities, regeneration, urban transformation, Hungary

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