Issue 2 (71)

Year 2021 Number 2(71)
Pages 80-89 Type scientific article
UDC 397(470) BBK 63.5(2)
Authors Golovnev Andrei V.
Kisser Tatiana S.
Summary The article considers the preliminary results of the project “Indigenous Minorities of the Russian Federation: Ethnocultural Projections”. The study of the current state of ethnicity of Russia’s indigenous small-numbered peoples in a multiethnic environment and in the system of complex identities within the space of Eurasia, due to unsuitability of single-line approaches, is carried out using the methods of ethnophenomenology in a wide space-time context of traditions and innovations, personology, sociology and social anthropology. In the authors’ focus are the following issues: (1) ethnicity in its stability and variability, historical dynamics and modern manifestations, sociality and personality, traditions and innovations; (2) ethnocultural heritage as the basis of identity, trends and prospects for its actualization. In the context of the pandemic, web ethnography has become the main channel for obtaining information and building a dialogue between researchers and representatives of indigenous peoples. Two cyber-questionnaires have been developed: (1) an expert questionnaire for indigenous leaders (more than 30 questionnaires were collected); (2) a general questionnaire for representatives of the indigenous peoples (500 questionnaires were collected). Both questionnaires contain similar questions, but the first is designed for detailed answers-reflections, and the second — for brief expressions of their positions. Thus, the general questionnaire shows the main trends, and the expert one gives their analysis and interpretation, and both actions are performed by the indigenous peoples themselves (the role of researchers in creating this set of information is limited to the formulation of questions and the presentation of answers). The article examines the ethnicity projections, experiences of ethnic projects, and issues of the status and rights of indigenous minorities as well.
Keywords indigenous minorities of Russia, ethnicity, identity, cyber-ethnography, ethnoprojects, web survey

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