Issue 2 (71)

Year 2021 Number 2(71)
Pages 118-126 Type scientific article
UDC 397(571.56) BBK 63.529(255)
Authors Romanova Ekaterina N.
Ignatyeva Vanda B.
Alekseeva Evdokiya K.
Summary The article analyzes the problems of mobility of indigenous minorities of the North of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) — the Evenks, Evens, Dolgans, Chukchi and Yukaghirs, whose language, identity and culture were formed in conditions of prolonged exposure to permafrost and the cold. Using Russian and foreign anthropological and sociological “mobile” ideas and theories, the paper examined and reinterpreted spiritual meanings and material practices of the movement and their representations; it expanded the understanding of the phenomenon of the movement as a social flow and a locomotive of their development, transformation, and modernization. The authors also studied the historical and anthropological concept of “multi-roadness” as a structureforming principle of life, sacred and profane world, travel strategy in life scenarios in a variety of its manifestations in history and modernity of the peoples of the North and the Arctic. Within the framework of interdisciplinary discourse, the authors develop the concept of “northernness” as a way of life in different texts (scientific, verbal, artistic, visual, field) of indigene communities of the Far North. The study has established that the “northern” way of life of tundra and taiga nomads is inseparable from the road “paradigm” and associated with the modus “multi-road” as a way to adapt to the changing reality, a strategy of choosing new life trajectories, focused on sustainable development of indigenous minorities of the North.
Keywords Yakutia, indigenous minorities of the North, northernness, multi-roadness phenomenon, life strategies

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