Issue 2 (71)

Year 2021 Number 2(71)
Pages 137-145 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.4/.5)”9/12” BBK 63.3(283.54+283.67)
Authors Khamidullin Salavat I.
Summary The article examines the history of relations between the Bashkirs and the Volga Bulgars based on written sources (Arab-Muslim, Mongolian and Western European) and archaeological data. The study analyzes the earliest historical information preserved in the geographical tradition of al-Balkhi, represented by such authors of the 10th century as al-Istakhri and Ibn Haukal, as well as in the work of the 12th century geographer al-Idrisi. Special attention is paid to the problem of political affiliation of the Ñhiyalik culture tribes, which, according to most scientists, were of Ugric origin. On this basis, they are figuratively called “Eastern Hungarians” in historical literature. The article concludes that the majority of Ñhiyalik tribes were a part of the Bashkir polity already in the 10th century. At least, the 13th century Western European authors (Rubruck, Plano Carpini) equated Bashkiria with “Great Hungary” (Magna Hungaria). However, some of Ñhiyalik tribes recognized the suzerainty of the Volga Bulgars. These, apparently, should include the Bashkir tribe Bulyar, which corresponds to the “land of Bular”, mentioned in the Hungarian chronicle “Gesta Hungarorum” and by al-Gharnati (12th century) as a part of Volga Bulgaria. With the beginning of the Mongol invasion in the Ural-Volga region, the Bashkirs accepted the Chingissids’ offer of an alliance, after which they participated in the conquest of Volga Bulgaria and in campaigns on the territory of other Eastern European countries.
Keywords Bashkirs, Volga Bulgars, Bulyar, Ñhiyalik culture, “Great Hungary”, Arab-Muslim geographical tradition, Julian, Rubruck, Plano Carpini

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