Issue 3 (72)

Year 2021 Number 3(72)
Pages 26-38 Type scientific article
UDC 903.4(470.55)“637” BBK 63.442.6(235.55)
Authors Rassadnikov Aleksey Yu.
Ankusheva Polina S.
Ankushev Maksim N.
Alaeva Irina P.
Sadykov Sergey A.
Ng Yan Chuen
Zazovskaya Elya P.
Summary The paper is devoted to the determination of the preferred ecological niche of the Alakul population of the forest-steppe Trans-Urals and considers the problem of Andronovo colonization in the northern direction. Radiocarbon dating, paleobotanical and isotopic studies were carried out based on the Chebarkul III settlement materials. The Alakul period of the settlement dates back to the 18th–17th centuries BC. The species composition of plants from the settlement’s cultural layer is similar to the Bronze Age steppe settlements of the Southern Trans-Urals and mainly represented by plant seeds of the meadow and ruderal zones with a minimum amount of forest and the absence of domesticated plants. The δ13C, δ15N values in the livestock bones reflect the diet consisting of C3 photosynthesis type plants with a small proportion of C4 plants. The decreased values of δ13C and δ15N in comparison with the Late Bronze Age steppe sites in the Ural-Kazakhstan region may indicate a high moisture content of the settlement’s pastures. The data obtained indicate the preservation of the settled cattle-breeding model, which is typical for the steppe Alakul sites, with cattle grazing in the surrounding territories and the possible preparation of fodder for the winter. The development of northern territories by the Alakul populations took place in the landscape zones habitual for the steppe population: with the presence of open spaces, wide meadows for grazing animals, and preparing forage, as well as forests. For this reason, the so-called Chebarkul steppe corridor was also populated, capturing the shore of the lake of the same name, on which the settlement under study is located.
Keywords Alakul culture, Late Bronze Age, Southern Trans-Urals, cattle breeding, isotope studies, paleobotany, radiocarbon dating

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