Issue 3 (72)

Year 2021 Number 3(72)
Pages 99-106 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”1883/1902 BBK 63.3(235.55)53
Authors Druzin Mikhail V.
Summary The article explores the history of ownership of the Lysvensky mining district in the Perm province by Peter Pavlovich (1819–1900) and Pavel Petrovich (1847–1902) Shuvalov through the prism of the owner’s personal attitude to the family factories and his involvement in the management process. Despite the fact that there is a continuity of two generations in some external signs of ownership (recourse to the management of factories prior to the legal entry into ownership rights, change of local administration by a new owner, desire to transfer the mining estate to the sole full ownership), they are in many ways opposite to each other due to the subjective circumstances and personal qualities of the owners. Peter Pavlovich represents the type of an “old owner” who is only ready to receive income from his estates, without being interested in the real state of affairs and the management quality. His son, Pavel Petrovich, became the personification of a “new type” owner, who invests his personal time, effort and energy in the development of his own “business”. But, the return of the heirs after his sudden death to the former attitude to the “business” led to the fact that they failed to keep the Lysvensky district as a part of the ancestral property, allowing its corporatization with the participation of bank capital.
Keywords Urals, Lysvensky mining district, Count Peter Pavlovich Shuvalov, Count Pavel Petrovich Shuvalov, owners and ownership, succession

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