Issue 3 (72)

Year 2021 Number 3(72)
Pages 161-168 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“1906/1907” BBK 63.3(2)532
Authors Palkin Alexander S.
Summary The paper analyzes experience of Edinoverie political thought in the era of the First Russian Revolution. Analysis is conducted in the context of development of Edinoverie thought and formation of confessional identity of Edinovertsy in the second half of the 19th century — early 20th century. Three specific directions of Edinoverie formed during this period were identified: conservative, radical and reformist. The focus of the article is on the latter, headed by St. Petersburg priest Simeon Shleev. Its representatives advocated reforming the synodal structure of the church, convening a Local Council, strengthening the autonomy of Edinovertsy and uniting them under the auspices of the St. Petersburg center of Edinoverie. Their organ was the “Pravda Pravoslaviya” (Truth of Orthodoxy) newspaper (published for some time under the title “Glagol Vremen” (The Word of Times)). The publication of the first issues of the newspaper fell on the era of the First Russian Revolution. That is why the St. Petersburg co-religionists, claiming leadership among their fellow believers throughout the country, began to write on political topics and publicly critically interpret the surrounding political reality. The paper determines thematic field and authors, who touched political matters in 1906–1907 in “Pravda Pravoslaviya” and “Glagol Vremen”, analyzes dynamics of such publications. Conclusions are drawn about the correlation between the general political agenda and specific issues that worried Edinovertsy.
Keywords Edinoverie, “Pravda Pravoslaviya” (“Truth of Orthodoxy”), “Glagol Vremen” (“Word of Times”), ecclesiastical periodicals, revolution, Simeon Shleev, Russian Orthodox Church

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