Issue 1 (74)

Year 2022 Number 1(74)
Pages 164-172 Type scientific article
UDC 929 BBK 72.31
Authors Ivanov Alexander S.
Rashevsky Vasily V.
Summary Based on the analysis of a series of biographical interviews, the article attempts to present the elaboration of the socio-cultural concept of “North” as part of the socially determined process of structuring the biographies of members of the professional team of geologists, to include the memory of the team of geologists in the broad socio-cultural context of the era. The analysis of various types of narratives (“big” and “grand”) of geological exploration allows the authors to trace the creation of a chain of interconnected stories that connect us with the community of historical origin and the totality of their experiences. The article shows that the abstract images of the North, in the stories of ordinary geologists, as a territory of progress and advanced development, are replaced by the metaphor of “construction through whole life”, which connects their individual northern experiences, linking them to buildings, organizations and figures of the past and present. F. K. Salmanov was a figure of memory who integrated the “big” narratives of the participants of geological exploration into the “pyramid” of narratives of All-Russian memory. His “grand” version of the narratives goes beyond the “North”. The post-Soviet texts are imbued with the motives of the emancipation of the geological community, and Salmanov himself is represented in them as the creator of a professional community with not only northern, but a unique Siberian experience. The geologist’s use of scale-switching practices marks steps towards transforming the “big” narrative of F. K. Salmanov’s contribution to the “grand” history on a national scale, and texts in the service of the present and future of geological community and the entire country.
Keywords geologists, Big oil, narratives, West Siberian oil and gas complex, F. K. Salmanov

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