Issue 3 (76)

Year 2022 Number 3(76)
Pages 103-111 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)“18” BBK 63.3(235.55)521
Authors Shkerin Vladimir A.
Summary The article analyzes the content and interrelation of the concepts “tsar” (and synonymous with it — “monarch”, “sovereign emperor”, etc.) and “law” (“decree”, etc.) in the texts of petitions submitted on behalf of employees of state and private mining plants of the Urals, as well as from members of their families in the first half of the 19th century. The source base of the study comprises more than 170 unpublished petitions identified by the author in the RGIA, RGADA and the State Archive of the Sverdlovsk region. The authenticity of these petitions does not exempt the researcher from the need for a critical analysis of their content. The petitions were written in the conditions of confrontations and disputes, so the characteristics and value judgments in them suffer from exaggerations. The tsar is represented in the image of a sacred force and the main legislator. The laws serve as an instrument of expressing the highest and just will of the tsar. However, the authors of the petitions realized that the state is not only the sovereign. In addition to the “decrees of His Imperial Majesty”, other legal acts are mentioned in the petitions, the connection of which with the supreme will was not so obvious. Factory and regional administrations were represented as a force opposing the tsar, the laws and the petitioners themselves. These administrations allegedly misinterpreted tsarist decrees, manipulated legal acts and even created their own unrighteous “laws”. And if the justice of the tsarist power remained unquestionable, its effectiveness caused certain doubts.
Keywords Urals, the first half of the 19th century, mining and metallurgical people, tsar, monarch, emperor, law, decree

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