Issue 4 (77)

Year 2022 Number 4(77)
Pages 6-18 Type scientific article
UDC 903.27(575.3)“633/634”:7.031.1 BBK 63.4-428
Authors Zotkina Lydia V.
Abolonkova Irina V.
Kurbanov Redzhep N.
Malikov Dmitry G.
Marchenko Daria V.
Shnaider Svetlana V.
Sayfulloev Nuritdin N.
Summary The Shakhty rock-shelter is the most famous rock art site in the Eastern Pamir. It was discovered and thoroughly studied by V. A. Ranov in 1958. After a long break, the research was resumed only in 2019. The article highlights the results of the studies, which included field observations on the site and work with the V. A. Ranov’s collection, stored in the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography named after A. Donish of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. In addition to previously discovered and described by V. A. Ranov zoomorphic and anthropomorphic images, thanks to modern methods of rock paintings analysis, several more figures were identified, details of previously known images were clarified, including important for their attribution and interpretation. Based on the new data on the site, an attempt was made to date the images. For the lithic artifacts discovered during the V. A. Ranov’s excavations in the Shakhty rock-shelter typological and use-wear analyses were carried out. Based on the diary records of V. A. Ranov, we restored the planigraphic data. The combined application of these techniques has made it possible to localize some artifacts used in various operations, as well as to relate these data to images on the wall of the rock-shelter.
Keywords rock art, rock paintings, use-wear analysis, planigraphic analysis, Shakhty rock-shelter, Eastern Pamir

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