Issue 4 (77)

Year 2022 Number 4(77)
Pages 105-111 Type scientific article
UDC 82-94 BBK 83.3
Authors Kozmina Elena Yu.
Summary The article examines novels which plot is based on alternative history. It is suggested that the narrative strategy of such literary works requires a special type of reader who has a thorough knowledge of the real history and is able to correlate alternative historical events (those depicted in the novel) with actual historic facts. The narrative intrigue of alternative history works is based on a counterpoint: the reader’s interest is supported by the convergence and divergence of alternative and true historical events. In the novels, the true history acquires a metaphysical character as it falls outside of the depicted world and remains in the competence of the reader and the author. This feature is played out in the text of the work: certain facts of reality are defamiliarized — depicted from an unusual point of view: in various kinds of the characters’ visions, their dreams, rumors, as well as in parallel reality. A narrative strategy that takes into account two different realities — the depicted and the real one — allows us to talk about the “literary stereo effect” characteristic of philosophical and satirical literature and about setting up of a philosophical experiment in such works. In an experimental situation of an alternative course of historical events, the national character and national identity are put to the test.
Keywords alternative history, alternative history novels, narrative strategy, narrative intrigue, philosophical satire, literary stereo effect, literary experiment, national identity

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