Issue 3 (80)

Year 2023 Number 3(80)
Pages 6-16 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5):711.4 BBK 63.3(235.55)
Authors Alekseeva Elena V.
Bystrova Tatiana Yu.
Summary Based on the topological approach, the article presents urban plans and the development of Ekaterinburg in direct connection with their industrial determinants. The initial topology of the place created as an industrial settlement, in different technological patterns and historical circumstances, sets the main vector of the city development in the meridional direction. During periods of decline or stabilization of industrial activity, when non-industrial tasks come to the fore in the development of Ekaterinburg, the “west–east” axis becomes dominant. Based on data on architectural and planning solutions common to them, the northern territories of Ekaterinburg are presented as a single whole, united by general design principles and correlating with the complex of industrial enterprises in the southern part. Since the historical landscape and planning structure of Ekaterinburg remain underestimated as a specific unique resource for the future development of the metropolis, in order to make adequate decisions that preserve the identity of Ekaterinburg, foster its intergenerational continuity, realize the diversity and significance of the historical and cultural heritage created here for Russian and world history, the article proposes to consider the city as a whole in its historical dynamics and link specific innovations with its original topology.
Keywords topology, Ekaterinburg, historical industrial area of the city, historical landscape, industrial heritage, architectural and urban heritage

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