Issue 4 (81)

Year 2023 Number 4(81)
Pages 66-75 Type scientific article
UDC 82 BBK 83.0
Authors Zamyatin Dmitry N.
Summary Any literary text is an act of ontological development of new territories. Culture, being always local, can develop the same territories more than once in physical terms — based on the epoch of its development, as well as on the geo-cultural transformations of these territories. The process of literary colonization means multiplication of geo-cultural processes, as a result of which new “clusters” of hybrid geo-cultural texts are created. Ño-spatiality in relation to literary colonization can be considered as a process of ontological identification of a territory with geo-cultural texts that have not previously been identical to it. At the same time, newly created geo-cultural texts turn out to be both co-spatial with themselves and with the texts of geo-cultures that have interacted. Literary colonization can be considered as a process of intensive intercultural interaction that generates hybrid texts, characterized by fundamentally new co-spatialities and also forming cross-border cartographies of imagination. Different geo-cultural traditions of colonization form different cartographies of the imagination of the same territory, in which there are images of colonizing territories. The integrity of the process of literary colonization is ensured by geo-cultural analysis, which combines places, mentalities and realities that are initially far from each other, and contributes to the construction of complex meta-cartographies of imagination, combining various cartographies of imagination in origin and content. The role of literary colonization lies in the “discovery” of geo-cultural transcoding — one or more significant literary works in the geo-cultural colonization context structure a new territory with the help of a newly developed complex meta-cartography of the imagination, offering common original rules of perception and reading of environmental features. The geo-culture of the colonization text consists in the “invention” of territorial strata, representing a new territoriality as an immanent necessity for the expansion and transformation of the author’s own consciousness. New colonization geo-cultures, mostly intermediate, become more co-spatial with each other, which leads to the formation of a planetary rhythm of colonization processes.
Keywords literary colonization, geo-culture, geo-cultural text, cartography of imagination, cospatiality, cross-borderness

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