Issue 4 (81)

Year 2023 Number 4(81)
Pages 96-105 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.13)“1930” BBK 63.3(253.3)614
Authors Kabakova Natalia V.
Summary The article considers the peculiarities of the functioning of the Soviet scientific community in the field of higher technical education in the 1930s. The Siberian Automobile and Road Institute is presented as an example of such activities. During the period of industrialization in the USSR, the demand for scientific research increased significantly, especially in areas that were of priority importance for the modernization of the country. At the same time, a scientific sector began to form, built on an industry principle and associated with production. Science policy, with its pronounced utilitarian character, was under the close attention of the party and state structures. Modernization challenges also affected higher technical education. It was necessary not only to increase the number of institutes that would train personnel for the economy, but also to create scientific sectors related to production in these educational institutions. At large party forums, the task was set of a qualitative restructuring of higher education institutions, streamlining scientific work, and introducing the planning principle into research work. This policy led to the emergence of road transport institutes transferred to the jurisdiction of the GUSHOSDOR under the NKVD of the USSR. The only higher education institution of this type established in the eastern part of the country was the Siberian Automobile and Road Institute, opened in 1930 in Omsk. This educational institution had to begin its activities in difficult conditions, since there were numerous difficulties associated with recruiting staff, organizing educational and scientific work. The teaching staff of the initial stage of the institute history was heterogeneous in terms of qualifications and work experience in higher educational institutions. Despite the difficulties of the first decade, the institute managed to organize scientific activities aimed at implementing national economic objectives.
Keywords research activity, industrialization, higher technical educational institutions, Siberian Automobile and Road Institute, teaching staff

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