Issue 1 (82)

Year 2024 Number 1(82)
Pages 99-107 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47) BBK 63.3(2)53
Authors Didenko Dmitry V.
Summary The article compares institutional structure of education and health care financing in three main macro regions of the late Russian Empire with country-wide levels. It basically utilizes governor’s annual reports, the kind of source that provides a relevant quantitative evidence. In theoretical aspects the research combines the modernization paradigm (primarily the S. Kuznets concept of ‘modern’ economic growth and A. Gerschenkron’s views on the specifics of modernizations in ‘backward’ countries) with the institutional approach to economic history by D. North and employs the concept of frontier by F. J. Turner. The documented variations in institutional structure of financing both industries reveal the macroregional patterns. The greatest differences are identified between European Russia and the Far East, while Siberia could be specified as an intermediate position. The key driving factors are the activities of the central government and various levels of local government. In the Far East, where ‘frontier’ nature of the modernization processes was most pronounced, the formation of human capital was effected with a higher rate of accumulation, with increased involvement of the central government. It was carried out in parallel with solution of other important tasks of colonization, namely ensuring military security, creating transport infrastructure, industrial development of minerals. This sheds light on the specifics of Russia’s modernization with an elevated role of government. Thus, under the frontier modernization, it was not so much innovative but traditional institutions appeared to be active in human capital formation.
Keywords socio-economic development, institutions, annual governors’ reports, education, health care, spatial inequality

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