Issue 2 (83)

Year 2024 Number 2(83)
Pages 34-42 Type scientific article
UDC 81’373.235:39 BBK 63.5(235.1)+81.4
Authors Borisova Elizaveta O.
Summary The article analyzes individual nicknames formed from ethnonyms — names of peoples and ethnic communities. It is based on the materials of the Toponymic expedition collected on the territory of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda and Kostroma regions; most of the lexical facts are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The region called the Russian North is multiethnic, therefore, special attention is paid to the reflection of the ethnic composition of the territory in the nickname anthroponymy. The author identifies ethnonyms used as individual nicknames (the names of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North — chud’ (chukhna, chukhar’), zyr’ (zyryane), lop’ (lopari), cheremisy, korela, as well as kayvany; the names of the peoples mainly living in territories remote from the Russian North — Chinese, Japanese, Germans, Belarusians, Tatars, Greeks, etc.). Connotatively loaded ethnonyms — Gypsies and Jews — are considered separately. Motivational models implemented in ethnonymic nicknames are analyzed, based on the reasons given by informants for giving a person a specific nickname (ethnicity, contacts with a representative of a “foreign” ethnic group, participation in armed conflicts, character traits, etc.). The role of ethnic stereotypes in nickname anthroponymy is discussed. In conclusion, assumptions are made about the frequency of a number of anthroponyms in the nickname nomination, and the most productive models of the formation of ethnonymic nicknames are highlighted. Possible reasons for the formation of the ethnic diversity of anthroponyms are also considered (in total, more than 30 ethnonyms are used as individual nicknames).
Keywords anthroponymy, Northern Russian dialects, nicknames, ethnonym, ethnic stereotype, Russian North

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