Issue 2 (83)

Year 2024 Number 2(83)
Pages 53-61 Type scientific article
UDC 39(=943.44) BBK 63.5(=635)
Authors Medvedev Vladislav V.
Summary The domesticated objects of the Chuvash people of Bashkortostan and adjacent territories, represented by settlements, housing and outbuildings, are an important component of traditional views about space. The example of these objects clearly demonstrates how the conditions that create a life support system interconnected with the natural geographic landscape, sociocultural and socio-economic state of the population are reproduced. A man demonstrates a personal (special) attitude towards settlements, houses and outbuildings. First of all, these are the traditions of the construction business that have formed over the centuries, as well as religious and ceremonial views projected onto domesticated objects and reflecting the ideological picture of the world. The article presents factual confirmations of the existence of stable connections between the Chuvash people living within the ethnic territory of settlement and the Chuvash people who moved to other regions. The transformation was expressed in the development and modernization of settlements, in the traditions of building of housing and outbuildings, as well as in the ethnography of the street. The village space was actively involved in the cycle of family rituals — in wedding, maternity and funeral and memorial activities. The street of the settlement served for communication and exchange of news, where inhabitants made decisions on holding ritual events or convocation of help. The crossroads of the street and the alley, as the central square of the settlement, was also often a place of gathering and communication. Innovations associated with new conditions of the natural geographical landscape, interethnic interactions, legislation and administrative regulation, collectively demonstrate the particularities of the studied region. The combination of the traditional and the new in ethnic culture presents a synthesis of historical memory and innovations.
Keywords Chuvash people, traditional culture, Bashkortostan, settlements, street, domesticated space, religious rituals

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