Issue 2 (83)

Year 2024 Number 2(83)
Pages 62-70 Type scientific article
UDC 39(=943.21):94(470.5)“17/18” BBK 63.5(235.55)
Authors Atnagulov Irek R.
Summary The ethnic processes that took place in the Southern Urals since the mid-18th century had been accompanied by Slavic-Turkic contacts and the emergence of new identities. One of these was the Nagaybaks, baptized Tatars who were transferred to the Cossacks. Their ethno-cultural image was formed during contacts with unbaptized groups — the Chuvash people, the Transkama Udmurts and the Eastern Mari. From the mid-19th century, Russian influences increased, and relations with the Kazakhs appeared. As a result, by the beginning of the 20th century, the Nagaybaks had developed their own original complex of economy and culture, which allowed them to be considered as a new ethnic phenomenon. Despite numerous innovations, the Nagaybaks culture retains archaic features, obviously reflecting deep historical ties with the Tatars and the Turkic world as a whole. In this regard, nutrition system seems to be a convenient material for studying. The article offers its structural-chronological and structural-functional analysis. Three chronologically consecutive layers in the genesis are distinguished — substrate, main and adstrate-superstrate. Each of them reflects the stages of the Nagaybaks’ ethnic history and their ancestors, the Tatars and other Turks. A significant part of the vocabulary related to agriculture, cattle breeding and the raw material base of the nutrition system reveals similarities with such phenomena among most Turkic peoples and defines its substrate. The main one reflects the Kazan-Tatar period. The later superstrate phenomena are Russian, Kazakh and other influences.
Keywords ethnic history, nutrition system, Urals, Volga region, Turks, Nagaybaks

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