Issue 2 (83)

Year 2024 Number 2(83)
Pages 93-101 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)“1928/1932” BBK 63.3(2)61
Authors Tagirova Nailya F.
Summary The modern technological culture of agricultural production based on mechanization has been formed several decades ago, underwent through transition from horse to artificial traction. This process can be viewed as the industrialization of agriculture, the technological revolution, and the modernization of the countryside. The author considers the formation and development of agricultural engineering and the formation of “motorcycle culture” in Russia’s village in the context of the “Great Waves” concept by C. Perez. The author associates the beginning of the technological revolution in the countryside with the formation of the theory of agricultural engineering (1900–1910s), its active phase — with scientific and practical developments in agricultural research institutions, an accelerated introduction of machines in large collective farms created in the USSR in 1928–1932. Established in 1928, the Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering named after V. P. Goryachkin (VISKhOM) played an important role in the technological reconstruction of the village. Based on the primary documents of the research institute, stored in the Russian State Archives in Samara, the author analyzes the Institute’s research work in the first years of its existence, the possibility of transferring foreign technologies of agricultural engineering, the channels of interaction between the main actors in the chain “science — industry — agriculture” during the period of mass collectivization of the countryside and the first five-year plan. At the same time, the Institute is considered as an actor and an active participant in the implementation of the government course for the machine development of large-scale agricultural production.
Keywords agricultural mechanical engineering, agrarian technological revolution, technological transfer, actor, VISKhOM, V. P. Goryachkin, first five-year plan, late 1920 — early 1930s

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