Issue 2 (83)

Year 2024 Number 2(83)
Pages 138-145 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)“17” BBK 63.3(235.55)51
Authors Pirogova Elena P.
Summary The article deals with one of the aspects of the private life of factory owners during the formation and development of industrial production in the 18th century Urals, which related to the choice and arrangement of their place of residence. The study shows that many of the factory owners possessed houses in county towns, built entire manor complexes and even palaces near their factories. This concerned primarily representatives of the taxable estates, who achieved nobilization through their entrepreneurial activities. It was they, especially in the initial period, who often had to live in their factories or nearby for a long time and take a direct part in management. The article presents facts regarding the construction of manor complexes at Nevyansk, Sysert, Revda, Kyshtym and other factories by representatives of the Demidovs, Stroganovs, Turchaninovs and other clans. It is concluded that as the lifestyle of factory owners changed, the possibility of their moving away from their factories and preferences in favor of living in the capital, the type of their housing also changed. From the “chambers” at the beginning of the century, they gradually moved on to the construction of rich estates, and in the second half of the 18th century — own capital palaces, many of which have become outstanding monuments of Russian architecture.
Keywords 18th century, Ural factory owners, Demidovs, Turchaninovs, Stroganovs, factory estate, urban estate

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