Issue 2 (83)

Year 2024 Number 2(83)
Pages 146-156 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)“18” BBK 63.3(235.55)52
Authors Neklyudov Eugeniy G.
Rodnov Mikhail I.
Summary Based on the records of mining and civil institutions of the central and regional levels, the article traces dramatic history associated with the inheritance of the owner of the Kaginsky factories in the Urals, Ivan Evdokimovich Demidov (?–1823). He belonged to a famous entrepreneurial family’s junior branch, descending from Nikita Nikitich Demidov, and differed from other representatives of the family in that he lived not in the capital, but near his factories in provincial Ufa. An inventory of the property of the city estate, compiled after the death of the childless owner, gives an idea of the daily life of the factory owner and his wife, testifies to their condition, activities and hobbies. City property seized for debts and Demidov’s factories taken into custody became the object of claims of his numerous heirs — brothers, their children and even grandchildren. Part of the movable property of the city estate was sold at an auction in Ufa; the rest, apparently, was stored in the Demidov house that remained unsold and empty for many years. The fate of the factory part of the inheritance also turned out to be unenviable. Unable to agree on joint management, several heirs in 1830 sold their shares of ownership to A. I. Pashkov. However, this deal was soon declared illegal; instead of the owner’s, a state administration was established, which lasted until 1855, when the Kaginsky factories were also sold at public auction.
Keywords Urals, first half of the 19th century, Demidovs, Kaginsky factories, city estate, property inventory

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