Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 6-20 Type scientific article
UDC 902(571)“634” BBK 63.442.14(253)
Authors Berdnikov Ivan M.
Sokolova Natalia B.
Summary Based on a comparative analysis of data from Northern Asia and parts of East Asia, the article discusses issues of the spread of hunter-gatherers and cultural dynamics in the Neolithic of Baikal-Yenisei Siberia (~8.6–5 ka cal BP), which at that time found itself literally “at the crossroads of the worlds”. According to the authors’ hypothesis, the settlement of Baikal-Yenisei Siberia in the Early Neolithic, starting from ~8.6 ka cal BP, came mainly from the east and southeast, that is, from the territories of Northern China and the Far East through Transbaikalia and Mongolia, as evidenced by the appearance of traditions of cord-impressed ceramics and “crouched” burials in the region. After ~7 ka cal BP, the appearance of hunter-gatherers who came from the west is noted. They settled in the north of the region, in the territory of Yakutia and southeast of Lake Baikal, and later probably took part in the formation of the Late Neolithic cultural model. The Middle Neolithic population, which was characterized by at least two pottery traditions (Ust-Belaya and Posolskaya), was displaced about 6 ka cal BP by new groups of hunter-gatherers, whom the Isakovo and Serovo complexes are associated with. The bearers of the Ust-Belaya pottery tradition, apparently, moved mainly in the direction of Western Siberia and the Trans-Urals, where ceramic types with similar characteristics appeared, and the Posolskaya tradition bearers — to Transbaikalia and Mongolia. The Late Neolithic populations, whose traces are lost after ~5 ka cal BP, could have been partially assimilated by a new population that appeared, as in the Early Neolithic, from the east and southeast, but perhaps a certain part of them moved to the more northern regions of Central Siberia, which are still poorly studied.
Keywords Baikal-Yenisei Siberia, Neolithic, hunter-gatherers, cultural dynamics, burial traditions, pottery, interregional connections

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