Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 21-33 Type scientific article
UDC 902(470.5+571.1) “634” BBK 63.442.15(253.3)
Authors Enshin Dmitry N.
Skochina Svetlana N.
Ilyushina Viktoria V.
Summary A new wave of discussions about the process of Neolithization in the forest-steppe zone of the Trans-Urals and Western Siberia arose as the tradition of making flat-bottomed dishes became more ancient and also because of the fixation of markers of coexistence from the Early Neolithic period of groups that previously occupied different cultural and chronological positions. The Early Neolithic complexes of the Mergen archaeological microdistrict, located in the Lower Ishim region, occupy one of the key places in the study and understanding of this process. In the course of analyzing the initial data on house-building, pottery, stone and bone industry of the Mergen Early Neolithic population, its role in the formation of the era was determined. It is proposed to distinguish the early “Mergen” and late “Tobolsk”/“classical” stages of the existence of the Boborykino cultural tradition of the Trans-Urals, which generally reflects the development of the pottery tradition of making flat-bottomed vessels of potted and jar forms with the period of existence of the 7th–5th millennium BC, where the length of each stage, taking account of the current degree of research, is estimated at approximately 1–1,5 thousand years. All this leads to the need of studying the causes and mechanisms of their long existence, the dynamics of traditions, internal structure and chronology, as well as the assessment of methodological approaches in their study.
Keywords early Neolithic, Lower Ishim region, settlements of Lake Mergen, chronology, cultural traditions

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