Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 46-60 Type scientific article
UDC 902(571.1)“634” BBK 63.442.15(253.3)
Authors Dubovtseva Ekaterina N.
Kosinskaya Lyubov L.
Chairkina Natalia M.
Klementieva Tatiana Yu.
Pogodin Andrey A.
Summary More than 400 Neolithic sites are known in the taiga zone of Western Siberia. Based on radiocarbon data, stratigraphic observations and pottery typology in the Neolithic of the territory under consideration, three periods have been identified — early, middle and late. In the mid-7th — early 6th millennium BC a number of cultural innovations appear — pottery, improvement of appropriation type of economy, less mobile way of life — manifested in construction of stationary dwellings, few fortified settlements and cult hills. Beginning with the Middle Neolithic, there are signs of the formation of an annual economic cycle, and population density increases. The ideology of the Neolithic population is reflected in a variety of ritual practices, ornamental art, figurines depicting animals, less often, humans. The ceramics reveals cultural links between individual collectives of the taiga zone of Western Siberia and the population of adjacent territories: in the western part of the Ural-West Siberian region — along the eastern slopes of the Ural ridge; in more eastern areas — along the river system Irtysh — Ob.
Keywords taiga zone of Western Siberia, Neolithic, chronology, periodization, economy, way of life, ritual practice, funeral rites, cultural relations

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