Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 90-97 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2 BBK 63.2
Authors Rumyantseva Marina F.
Summary The article analyzes the significance of material historical sources in the system of types of historical sources from the mid-19th century to the beginning of the 21st century. It is shown that in the propaedeutics/manuals on the historical method since the mid-19th century, material historical sources occupied an essential place, along with written historical sources, but they were not involved in the practice of historical science. The explanation of this phenomenon is given using the concept of two types of cultures, historical and traditional, by Yu. M. Lotman. The factors of the beginning of the turn to material historical sources in source studies at the end of the 20th century are explicated. Firstly, there is an anthropological/cultural/pragmatic turn in historical knowledge, associated both with the crisis of the historical narrative and with the awareness of the excessive schematicity of structural history. Secondly, the transformation of the object of source studies, which is most important for the problem under consideration. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the concept empirical reality of the historical world as a macroobject of historical cognition formulated by O. M. Medushevskaya within the framework of the theory of cognitive history. Its properties of universality and structurality, which determine its importance as an empirical basis for building a global history on a comparative basis, are analyzed. Thirdly, the actualization of the task of overcoming Eurocentrism, the situation of the clash of civilizations and the formulation of the geopolitical task of their synergy require the expansion of the source base beyond the traditional written sources for the historical type of culture, primarily at the expense of material sources as the most universal for different civilizations. In conclusion, the difficulties of involving material historical sources in scientific turnover are explicated and ways to overcome them are outlined.
Keywords source study, material historical sources, written historical sources, system of types of historical sources, empirical reality of the historical world, overcoming Eurocentrism, comparative source study

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