Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 114-124 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2:31 BBK 63.2+60.6
Authors Rynkov Vadim M.
Summary Statistical sources are most commonly regarded as a special kind of historical documentation in educational and scientific literature. But it is not supported by arguments. A source study analysis is replaced by historical studies of formation and evolution of statistical researches or statistical authorities. However, some approaches stated in literature on source studies and statistics history can be the basis for a more argumentative viewpoint. Quantitative data are contained in sources of various types and can be processed by statistical methods not only by specialists of statistical agencies, but also by historians and representatives of other sciences as well. The appearance of special methods of data collection with the purpose of their further processing using statistical methods, the development of statistical studies had an impact on increase and complexity of registration documents, the emergence of their new varieties. Registration documents from the point of view of their kind belong to the recordkeeping documentation. The impact of statistical science on public thought and public administration practice has led to a more active inclusion of quantitative data, primary and mathematically processed, in other written sources, both documentary and narrative, to the creation of a variety of specialized statistical reference and scientific reference literature, intensive use in various scientific publications. Since the mid-19th century, due to the emergence of a whole network of statistical authorities in Russia, a special statistical recordkeeping has been formed, which continues to develop, and becomes more complicated today, introducing a complex of constantly evolving interrelated legislative, recordkeeping documentation and scientific (research and reference) sources.
Keywords source studies, statistical sources, qualitative data, registration documents, historiography of source studies, classification, special recordkeeping

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