Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 125-133 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2:912.4 BBK 63.2+26.17
Authors Grishin Evgeniy S.
Krutov Dmitry A.
Summary The article is devoted to a comprehensive external and internal criticism of primary cartographic sources necessary for the effective conduct of historical cartographic work and the creation of historical maps. The development of primary cartographic source studies is necessary in order to exclude the absolutization of spatial information on maps, which does not allow overcoming the scientific level of its performers. The formalized language of description in the form of symbols and the presence of their required explanatory components entitles us to talk about the map as a special source of data medium and presentation of information, which needs a developed methodological basis for critical description. The article attempts to determine the selection criteria and areas of using maps as historical and primary cartographic sources through the prism of their source value, which increases with development of methodological level of cartographic work and growing knowledge of the territory. The basic elements for an external and internal assessment of primary cartographic sources are described, which help determine the nature of their use in the framework of creation the historical maps. The complex criticism of cartographic sources is mainly revealed by the example of a retrospective analysis of changes in the shape of the relief and the prime meridian, which help determine the period of the map being created, the level of cartography development and the creators’ priorities. The comparison of various cartographic elements and knowledge of the context of cartography development allows historians not only to assess the degree of originality of the primary cartographic source, but also to identify the volume of borrowings and the quality of generalization.
Keywords primary cartographic source, primary cartographic source studies, historical map, external and internal criticism, mathematical basis, prime meridian, relief image forms

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