Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 153-161 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)“18” BBK 63.3(2)521-425.2
Authors Shkerin Vladimir A.
Summary According to P. I. Pestel, the Decembrist movement began in 1816 with the desire to “grant freedom to the serfs”. However, already when writing the charter of the Union of Salvation, it became clear that it was impossible to rally the nobility around such a slogan. By the beginning of 1817, the secret society had named a constitutional monarchy as its goal. According to M. V. Nechkina, the anti-serfdom slogan was an integral part of the constitutional goal. S. S. Landa defended a different opinion, arguing that the Union of Salvation did not really consider the issue of peasant liberation. The charter of the Union of Prosperity, established in 1818, also did not require the abolition of serfdom: its members only undertook to “persuade landlords to treat peasants well”. A. N. Pypin and V. I. Semevsky also noted that from the text of the Prussian Union of Virtue, which served as a model for drafting the charter of the Union of Prosperity, the clause on the mandatory liberation of peasants belonging to members of the society was excluded. Few anti-serfdom actions of the members of the Union of Prosperity had the character of a personal initiative. By the early 1820s, due to a complex of external and internal reasons, the idea of the impossibility of freedom in general (including the freedom of the nobility) without the elimination of serfdom became firmly rooted in the secret society. This idea acquired the character of a postulate after the self-liquidation of the Union of Prosperity.
Keywords Decembrist movement, Union of Salvation, Union of Prosperity, peasant question, serfdom, history of Russia in the first quarter of the 19th century

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