Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 162-170 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)“18”:930.2 BBK 63.3(2) 521-425.2+63.2(2)
Authors Ilyin Pavel V.
Summary The memoirs of General Alexander Fedorovich Baggovut (1806–1883), a nephew of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 K. F. Baggovut and a veteran of military campaigns during the reign of Nicholas I, appeared on the pages of the “Russkaia Starina” journal by the will of the author after his death. The memoir notes begin with the episode of December 14, 1825, the description of which contains signs of omissions, deliberate concealment of facts and circumstances, from the author’s point of view, undesirable for revealing. The text includes signal words demonstrating the memoirist’s abandonment of description of certain episodes, assessments of actors, and autocharacteristics. At the same time, A. F. Baggovut did not hide the fact of his participation in the events of December 14 on the side of the Decembrist conspirators, which, given the career of the General, makes his notes a unique document containing the memoirist’s confession of involvement in the anti-autocratic action on the day of the accession of Nicholas I. The article, based on both the published text and the manuscript of the memoirs preserved in the archive of “Russkaia Starina”, analyzes the problem of the author’s concealment of inconvenient, undesirable (discreditable) facts and circumstances, which is important for the source analysis of memoirs; it also examines the methods used by the memoirist to avoid assessments of actors and events. Using the example of A. F. Baggovut’s memoirs, the article shows the ways of designating aposiopesis in memoir texts that touch upon politically acute circumstances from the past of their authors.
Keywords memoirs, source analysis, aposiopesis, political history of Russia in the 19th century, memoirs of the Decembrists who escaped punishment, A. F. Baggovut

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