Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 171-179 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47) “17/18” BBK 63.3(2)513
Authors Dmitriev Andrei V.
Summary The paper is devoted to the question of the place and role of the Russian army’s garrison troops in the process of carrying out military reforms of Emperor Paul I. Based on the materials of the Siberian Division’s garrison units, in particular, data on the personnel of their officer corps, the main components of Paul’s army reforms aimed at turning garrison troops into full-fledged combat forces have been identified. The sharp rejuvenation of officer personnel and the replenishment of the Siberian garrison regiments by persons transferred here from European Russia were supposed to unify the position of the Siberian Division units with other units of the Russian army at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries. Hereditary military men dominated among the garrison officers, and many of them received promotion to chief officer ranks just during the reign of Paul I, despite the formal prohibition of such promotion for persons of non-noble origin. Russian nobles were represented almost exclusively by young recruits, while there were practically no officers of ethnically non-Russian origin in these units. It is concluded that the supreme power did not take into account the specifics of the position of the garrison troops in Siberia during the 18th century, and the transformations of Paul I have not actually brought any significant results, since they were canceled by his successor Alexander I immediately after the latter came to power.
Keywords Paul I, Russian army, garrison regiments, officer corps, Siberia, end of the 18th century

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