Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 180-188 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.51)“1918/1919” BBK 63.3(235.55)612
Authors Zayats Nikolai A.
Summary The article examines the organization of the Votkinsk division from November 1918 to May 1919 and its role in the battles of the Siberian Army of A. V. Kolchak. It aims at filling in the gap in the study of this topic by civil war researchers. For this purpose, previously unused archival data is introduced into scientific circulation. It is shown that after withdrawing from the area of the uprising and joining white troops, parts of the rebels conflicted with the new command. After Kolchak’s coup, they were finally included in the regular army. Based on documents, the degradation of parts of the Votkinsk division at the turn of 1918–1919 is shown in detail, which made it unfit for combat. However, the measures taken by R. Gajda, commander of the Siberian Army, quickly corrected the situation, and in February–April 1919, the Votkinsk division fought quite successfully, ensuring communication between the flanks of the Siberian and Western armies. The combat path of the Votkinsk Rifle Division (of the first formation) ended in early May 1919. After the capture of Votkinsk, the division’s fighters demanded that the command fulfill the promises made earlier and send them home. Having encountered a refusal, they began to leave its ranks en masse without permission. The remnants of the Votkinsk rifle division were withdrawn to the rear for reorganization.
Keywords anti-Bolshevik movement, White movement, Eastern Front, Votkinsk division, Civil War, Izhevsk uprising, Siberian Army

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