Issue 3 (84)

Year 2024 Number 3 (84)
Pages 189-191 Type review
Authors Larkovich Dmitry V.

Andreeva L. A., Khudobina O. F., Miryugina N. A. [Colorative Vocabulary in the Novel by E. D. Aipin ‘Khanty, Or The Star Of The Morning Dawn’]. Mir nauki, kultury, obrazovaniya [The World of Science, Culture and Education], 2023, no. 1 (98), pp. 358–361. DOI: 10.24412/1991-5497-2023-198-358-361 (in Russ.).

Khorosheva E. A. [Symbols of Astral Images in the Novel “Khanty, or the Morning Dawn Star” by E. D. Aipin]. Slovo. Tekst. Kontekst [Word. Text. Context], 2023, no. 2 (14), pp. 92–99. DOI: 10.26105/PBSSPU.2023.14.2.001 (in Russ.).

Kosintseva E. V. [Folklore Intertext of the Novel by E. D. Aipin “The Mother of God in the Bloody Snows”]. Russkiy fol’klor Mordovii v kontekste mirovoy kul’tury: sbornik materialov Vseros. nauch. konf. [Russian Folklore of Mordovia in the Context of World Culture: Collection of Materials of the All-Russian Sci. Conf.]. Saransk: Izd-vo Mordovskogo un-ta Publ., 2023, pp. 56–60. (in Russ.).

Larkovich D. V. [Artistic Function of Ekphrasis in the Novel by Ye. D. Aypin “In Search of the Primordial Land”]. Vestnik ugrovedeniya [Bulletin of Ugric Studies], 2023, vol. 13, no. 4 (55), pp. 650–658. DOI: 10.30624/2220-4156-2023-13-4-650-658 (in Russ.).

Larkovich D. V. [System of Figurative Oppositions in the Story “Waiting for the First Snow” by E. D. Aipin]. Filologicheskiy vestnik Surgutskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta [Philology Bulletin of Surgut State Pedagogical University], 2023, no. 1 (13), pp. 28–39. DOI: 10.26105/PBSSPU.2023.13.1.011 (in Russ.).

Nogovitsyn O. N. [Theory of Morality and the Origins of Social Sciences: The Concept of Conscience by I. Kant and in the Prose by Ye. D. Aypin]. Vestnik ugrovedeniya [Bulletin of Ugric Studies], 2023, vol. 13, no. 4 (55), pp. 787–797. DOI: 10.30624/2220-4156-2023-13-4-787-797 (in Russ.).

Paraskeva E. V. [Female Images in Short Stories Collection by E. D. Aipin “Autumn in Your City”]. Slovo. Tekst. Kontekst [Word. Text. Context], 2023, no. 4 (16), pp. 82–93. DOI: 10.26105/PBSSPU.2023.16.4.009 (in Russ.).

Proza Yeremeya Aypina: etnofilologicheskiy rakurs i istoricheskaya poetika [Prose of Yeremey Aipin: Ethnophilological Perspective and Historical Poetics]. Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2023. (in Russ.).

Rymareva E. N. [The Image of the Beloved in the Novel “In Search of the First Earth” by E. D. Aypin]. Uchenyye zapiski Novgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Memoirs of NovSU], 2023, no. 2 (47), pp. 156–160. DOI: 10.34680/2411-7951.2023.2(47).156-160 (in Russ.).

Semenov A. N. Aksiologiya prozy Yeremeya Aypina [Axiology of the prose of Eremey Aipin]. Khanty-Mansiysk; Ekaterinburg: IP Simakova G. V. Publ., 2023. (in Russ.).

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