Issue 4 (85)

Year 2024 Number 4(85)
Pages 15-23 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.22)“16” BBK 63.3(2)5
Authors Bochkarev Alexander S.
Summary The article deals with a little-studied issue of military service of provincial poduachyes. Based on rare archival documents, it examines the biography of Stepan Izhorin, a podyachy of the Olonets voivod office, particularly focusing on his service in the Olonets “new order” regiments in the 1650s. It is shown that the administration of these regiments was conducted using elements of the traditional prikaz system, and podyachy service was a necessary link between the Olonets regiments, the Novgorod Razryad Regiment, and the uezd voivod administration. The activities of Stepan Izhorin reveal that podyachyes were an important component in the implementation of military-administrative changes in mid-17th century Karelia, ensuring the stability of soldier and dragoon mobilization in the Olonets uezd, being engaged in the search for and return of deserters, and performing ongoing duties at the voivod’s headquarters during military actions. It is noted that given the relatively low financial provision of the bureaucratic apparatus of the Olonets voivod office, the podyachy service within the armed forces was a social elevator and a guarantee of career advancement for lower-class administrative officials. The inadequate financial and material support for the military service of administrative bureaucracy in the borderlands is highlighted. The conclusion drawn is that the interaction between provincial podyachyes and the army represents a distinct administrative phenomenon of the period of Alexei Mikhailovich’s reforms and the emergence of Russia’s regular army in the mid-17th century.
Keywords podyachy Stepan Izhorin, administrative apparatus, Olonets “new order” regiments, voivod office, military reforms of the mid-17th century, desertion

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