Year | 2024 | Number | 4 (85) |
Pages | 60-68 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 94(47)“1904/1905” | BBK | 63.3(2)53 |
Authors | Churkin Mikhail K. |
Summary | The article based on materials from thematic publications of the Russo-Japanese War period constructs the content of the “historical loneliness of Russia” discourse presented in the domestic diocesan press. It is established that the intonations, rhetoric and meanings that made up the ideas of the Russian intelligentsia of the 18th — first half of the 19th centuries about Russia’s non-inclusion in existing civilizations, acquired alarming tension in the discourse of national conservatives and became an important component of the imperial understanding of Russia’s place in the foreign policy arena. The traumatic situation of “historical loneliness” perceived by conservatives as a permanent hostile environment and the absence of allies was shared by the autocratic government, accepted by the Russian Orthodox Church and used as a pattern in diocesan journalism in peacetime and, especially, wartime. Within the framework of this study, drawing upon the texts of diocesan correspondents, the communicative agreement of the authors of publications was revealed in the ideas about the war and Russia’s participation in the Russo-Japanese campaign as a forced but noble cause, explained not only by insidiousness and treachery of the real enemy — Japan, but also by the activities of hidden external enemies and ill-wishers of the Russian Empire. Discussing the causes and prospects of military operations in the Far East in 1904, correspondents from publications simultaneously wrote about the ill-wishers and enemies of Russia as a factor determining the course of military operations. The failures and military-diplomatic defeats of 1905 partially modified the style and content of publications, and the discourse of “historical loneliness” that was emerging on the pages of the press began to be replenished with stories about the moral crisis of Russian society and the religious indifference of the population. | ||
Keywords | historical loneliness, discourse, Russo-Japanese War, Russian Orthodox Church, dioc- esan press, Russian Empire | ||
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