Year | 2024 | Number | 4 (85) |
Pages | 81-91 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 902.2(470.5)“637” | BBK | 63.442.6(235.55) |
Authors | Batanina Natalya S. Petrov Fedor N. Petrov Nikolay F. |
Summary | The archaeological microdistrict in the middle reaches of the Sintashta River was identified based on an analysis of the spatial distribution of the Bronze Age archaeological sites. It is 31 km long and includes 12 Late Bronze Age settlements, including two fortified ones; as well as nine funerary monuments, which included 105 mounds, and menhirs, located on the outskirts of two settlements. Most of the settlements are located on the terrace above the floodplain on the left, more relief bank of the river, where it was easier to find areas of the terrace above the floodplain, sheltered from the wind by hills from the North. The menhirs are located on the settlement sites slightly above dwellings, and burial mounds are located on both banks of the river, above settlements on the floodplain terrace or on slopes and areas of the bedrock bank. The archaeological sites of the microdistrict reflect the economic and ritual activities of cattle breeders and metallurgists of the Late Bronze Age. The emergence of the microdistrict is associated with the fortified settlements of the Sintashta culture. The heyday of the microdistrict is associated with the most numerous unfortified settlements of the Alakul culture, at the later stage of existence of which the Alakul-Fedorovka and Cherkaskul cultural components appeared. A decline in population was noted during the period of settlement of the Mezhovka culture population on the remnants of Alakul settlements. No archaeological sites of the transition period from the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age were found on the territory of the microdistrict. | ||
Keywords | Southern Trans-Urals, settlement system, spatial archaeology, Late Bronze Age, settlement, burial ground, menhir | ||
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