Year | 2024 | Number | 4 (85) |
Pages | 92-99 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 902.2(470.57)“638” | BBK | 63.442.7(235.55) |
Authors | Kolonskikh Alexander G. |
Summary | The publication is a continuation of the author’s work on the study of settlements using the landscape archeology and GIS methods. The source base for the study was data from the Bakhmutino culture sites on the territory of the Birsk microdistrict (Republic of Bashkortostan). This microdistrict is relatively well studied archaeologically and can be used as a testing ground for spatial analysis methods. The work was done on the basis of free software, as well as digital data from remote sensing of the Earth’s surface, which are publicly available on the Internet. Calculations were made using a digital elevation model. The main material for the study was geographical data, relief and landscape data. All calculations and cartography of monuments were made in a freely distributed, professional geographic information system “QGIS”. An important conclusion from the use of spatial analysis tools and GIS systems is the identification of clusters of sites, that is, second-level associations, within the microdistricts under study. As in previous studies, not only hillforts, but also unfortified settlements became the central place of individual cluster. Attempts to model the settlement system probably indicate that the largest and most central settlements could exist for a relatively long time. Smaller objects with an insignificant cultural layer were not long-lasting and could well be associated with the specifics of farming by the Bakhmutino population. | ||
Keywords | Bakhmutino culture, settlements, hillfort, unfortified settlement, spatial archaeology, landscape archaeology, GIS, digital elevation model | ||
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