Year | 2024 | Number | 4 (85) |
Pages | 113-124 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 902.2(470.343)”632” | BBK | 63.442.1 |
Authors | Aleshinskaya Anna S. Andreev Konstantin M. Troshina Alla A. |
Topic | |
Summary | In 2018–2022, the SSUSSE archaeological team carried out a comprehensive research of Stone Age sites near the village of Sokolny in the Zvenigovsky district of Mari El Republic. It obtained various culturally and chronologically significant finds of Neolithic pottery and flint artefacts. To determine environmental conditions of the Middle Volga forest region in the Neolithic period soil samples were gathered for performing palynological analysis. A total of 23 samples from the Sokolny sites VII, VIII, XII and XVII were examined, all of them containing a sufficient amount of pollen for sta tistical data processing. Obtained and analyzed data made it possible to identify eight palynological zones that describe the environment of the Sokolny sites at different stages. The first inhabitants appear in the microregion during maximum warmth, which dates back to 7200–7000 years BP. This period can be observed only from materials obtained from the Sokolny XII site, where pollen profile is mostly made up of broad-leaved species, namely of linden. The rise of Volga-Kama culture is associated with the most intensive settlement period, which is 6600–6250 years BP and characterized by cooler climate. During this period forests gradually begin to be populated by pine trees, and the number of broad-leaved species decreases. The Neolithic (pit-comb ceramics) and late Neolithic (Krasnomostovsky type of ceramics) period, dating back to 5600–5200 years BP, is associated with the replacement of broad-leaved forests with broad-leaved coniferous ones, and then with coniferous ones. | ||
Keywords | forest Middle Volga region, Neolithic, Elshanskaya culture, Volga-Kama culture, Comb-pit culture, Krasnomostovsky type of ceramics, radiocarbon analysis, palynological analysis, natural and climatic conditions | ||
References |
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