Year | 2024 | Number | 4 (85) |
Pages | 145-154 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 94(47)“1948/1991” | BBK | 63.3(2)6 |
Authors | Krayneva Irina A. Kupershtokh Natalya A. |
Summary | The article is devoted to the study of projects for the development of digital computing technology and software at the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Siberian Branch during the Soviet period (1948–1991). It is emphasized that their implementation was due to a number of geopolitical, technological and scientific factors. The main directions of state scientific and technical policy in the field of digital computing according to three technological impulses are revealed. The development of computers in the USSR received the first external technological impetus from the Soviet atomic project, where the volume of calculations exceeded human capabilities. The next technological impulse was associated with the Kosygin reform of the mid-1960s. The increasing complexity of the structure of the USSR national economy required appropriate technical equipment for computer- based management structures. The third technological impulse arose within the USSR Academy of Sciences in the 1980s, when efforts were concentrated on creating fifth-generation computers as a response to the “Japanese challenge”. The article describes the activity of the USSR Academy of Sciences as an initiator of the use of computers in scientific research and economy of the Soviet Union. It considers the content of projects in the field of computer technology and programming, implemented at the Novosibirsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Conclusions are drawn on the need for further study of the problem in the light of the challenges facing society in the modern period. | ||
Keywords | Atomic project, USSR Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, computer technology, programming, Academician M. A. Lavrentyev, Academician S. L. Sobolev, Academician G. I. Marchuk, Academician A. P. Ershov | ||
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