Issue 4 (85)

Year 2024 Number 4 (85)
Pages 155-165 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)“1930/1970” BBK 63.3(235.55)6
Authors Bugrov Konstantin D.
Summary The article analyzes the research strategy of O. A. Esin (1904–1979), a prominent chemist and metallurgist who made a significant contribution to the development of the scientific and educational complex of the Urals. It examines the main stages of Esin’s research career and characterizes his contribution to solving specific scientific problems. The author shows that Esin’s career included a turning point — double start — when he switched from electrochemistry to the study of pyrometallurgical processes. The author also examines two major discussions about the structure of slags and the nature of metal oxide reduction processes that Esin and his students initiated in the late 1940s–1950s, and reveals the arguments of these discussions, analyzing the research papers and the polemical components of the fundamental work of O. A. Esin and P. V. Geld entitled “Physical Chemistry of Pyrometallurgical Processes”. An emphasis is placed on the significance of Esin’s capacity to make alliances, particularly with the chemist G. I. Chufarov, the author of the adsorption- catalytic theory of metal oxide reduction; the crucial importance of mentoring in Esin’s strategy is addressed specifically. It is concluded that the successful relaunching of Esin’s career had important consequences for metallurgical science, since the new research center emerged in Urals, laying the foundations for the emergence of an independent Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Keywords metallurgy, Urals, O. A. Esin, scientific school, Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

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