Year | 2024 | Number | 4 (85) |
Pages | 185-193 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 069:94(470.5) | BBK | 79.147.1 |
Authors | Alekseeva Elena V. Bystrova Tatiana Yu. |
Summary | The article analyzes the genesis of museum representation in exhibitions containing technical objects and artifacts that are part of the industrial heritage. The authors consideres the stages of development of ideas about exhibiting common to museums (pre-museum collecting, descriptive and museological stages) and characterize some of modern Ekaterinburg’s museums that contain technical objects. Having been lately identified as an independent subject of scientific study, technology has not yet received a generally recognized specialized set of methods of museum presentation. The analysis of presentations of technical objects in Ekaterinburg museums shows that the specificity of professional reflection in this area is associated with three circumstances. First, the relatively recent beginning of the formation of social and professional assessment of industrial products and objects of different scales throughout the world as museum exhibits. Second, insufficient capabilities (financial, conceptual, organizational) of museums demonstrating objects to visitors, but often not interested in feedback or in qualitatively new, more socially significant museum products. Third, the difficulties of museum work with technical objects, which often lack the necessary clarity and emotional expressiveness | ||
Keywords | museums, stages of development of museums, museum representation, representation techniques, Ekaterinburg | ||
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