Issue 1 (86)

Year 2025 Number 1 (86)
Pages 145-153 Type scientific article
UDC 94(47)”17” BBK 63(2)511
Authors Nakishova Marina T.
Summary The article examines the social ties between general-architect J.-B. A. Le Blond and foreign masters who came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Based on analysis of the architect’s correspondence preserved in the collections of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (Moscow), it determines the nature of his relationship with G.Bellin, A. Gaudeau, P. Desgranges, Ch. Le Clerc, J.-B. Michel, N. Perard, N. Pineau, B.C.Rastrelli, E. Sauvage, G. Sualem, Ch. Tapa, F. Foy. It is emphasized that despite the numerous conflicts that occurred between foreign masters during construction of royal residences in St. Petersburg governorate (Peterhof, Strelna and Dubki), Leblon sought to defend “the interest of His Imperial Majesty” and, according to his ideas, worked for the benefit of the sovereign. It is established that the relationship between the creators of imperial symbols directly influenced the progress of construction, its quality and result; they made their personal contribution to the appearance of the royal residences, changing Peter I’s plans and architectural ideas about regular construction. In addition, in the context of considering Leblond’s social connections, the role of General-Governor Prince A. D. Menshikov who controlled the whole progress of construction work, is highlighted. It is noted that he was considered as the fastest and most effective channel for transmitting information to the monarch, a direct representative and spokesman for official opinions.
Keywords social ties, imperial symbols, royal residences, foreign specialists, J.-B. A. Le Blond, Menshikov A. D.

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