Issue 1 (86)

Year 2025 Number 1 (86)
Pages 180-190 Type scientific article
UDC 902.2(470.57) BBK 63.48(235.55)
Authors Bakhshiev Ilshat I.
Tuzbekov Ainur I.
Nasretdinov Ramil R.
Gabitov Roman N.
Bezdudny Vladimir G.
Muravyev Lev A.
Summary The article presents the results of geophysical and remote sensing studies conducted at the Podymalovo-1 settlement in the Bashkir Pre-Urals region. The research included mapping using magnetometry, electromagnetic profiling, and the construction of a digital terrain model. The digitization of the site area was carried out using aerial surveying with an unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with a GNSS receiver on board. Complex geophysical studies and magnetometric surveys almost completely included the cape-shaped terrace of the site, the survey by electro-profiling repeated the territory mapped by magnetometry. As a result of the research, areas of anomalies associated with human activity on the site of the settlement were identified. Archaeological excavations in these areas allowed for the accurate identification of a number of complexes related to human production activities. Archaeological excavations partially confirmed the data obtained by geophysicists. At the same time, a “blind test” of the results of geophysical work on the territory previously explored by archaeologists (2017 and 2019 excavations) showed the absence of anomalies in the areas where these large pits were present. The absence of identified complexes on the geophysical plane can be explained by the heterogeneity of their backfilling during the recultivation of the excavation. Using a magnetometer makes it possible to identify large production archaeological structures with a pronounced thermal impact on the soil. For objective interpretation of geophysical research data over large areas, their verification by traditional methods of archaeological research (excavations, pits, drilling) is required. Comparison of the results will enable compiling a catalogue of anomalies with detailed characteristics that can be used in geophysical work on the sites similar in type, chronology and structure.
Keywords Golden Horde, South Urals, settlement archaeology, Podymalovo-1 settlement, geophysical research

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