Issue 2 (43)

Year 2014 Number 2(43)
Pages 136-142 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.121)”19” BBK 63.3(2Ðîñ-6ßìà)6
Authors Kornilov Gennady E.
Summary The article contains an analysis of the process of evolution of the population of the Yamal region in the 20th–21st centuries including its specifics, social, political and economic components, as well as the results of demographic studies, the role of reproduction and migration processes, changes within the composition of the region’s population (sex, age and ethnic composition, urban and rural population ratios). The author follows the concept of the second demographic transition at the same time sharing the ideas of the rational historical evolutionism. The conclusions are supported with historical sources, primarily the demographic statistics data (the materials of the censuses and the data of current registration of population movement).
Keywords historical demography, population Yamal, population dynamics, composition, reproduction, migration, demographic transition

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