Issue 4 (45)

Year 2014 Number 4(45)
Pages 15-24 Type scientific article
UDC 94(44)«1814» BBK 63.3(2)521.1-686
Authors Gladyshev Andrey V.
Summary The article describes the French people's perception of a “Cossack” which evolved in 1814 and stayed functional in the collective memory of subsequent generations. The discussion was focused on historical memory of historians, the French authors of the first half — middle of the 19th century who described the events of 1814 when communicative memory of the time was still alive. The author studied both mental and material “sites of memory” associated with the Cossacks: toponyms, linguistic and cultural borrowings, municipal sites. The image of a “Cossack” in the minds of the French population was a long-term phenomenon, a symbol of Russia. French historiography was one of the important channels for the formation of this image. Historiographic tradition of cossacks' representation contained many preconceived ideas going back to the Napoleonic anti-Russian propaganda. In the primary sources the notion “Cossack” was used in different meanings and sometimes had nothing to do with the cossacks themselves. The novels of the middle of the 19th century feeding on the topic of peasants protecting their families from foreign invaders fixed in the collective memory of the French people an image of a cossack-barbarian.
Keywords Historical memory, imagology, Napoleon, ñampaign in 1814 in France, the anti-Russian propaganda, the Cossacks

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