Issue 3 (40)

Year 2013 Number 3(40)
Pages 99-109 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)"18/19" BBK 63/3(2)531
Authors Rukosuev Evgeny Yu.
Summary The paper offers a review of the historical background for the emergence and operation of the entrepreneurs unions and associations at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries: exchanges, trade and industry congresses, industry sector congresses (primarily in general and gold-and-platinum mining industry), standing advisory bodies. The author draws a conclusion that in the early 20th century in Russia there was an efficient economic management mechanism effectively combining public and private interests; with the multi-level system of representation of the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie, each link of which used different methods and techniques for lobbying their corporate and professional interests. Analysis of the operation of these non-profit organizations is of a particular importance today, when we are witnessing a growing consolidation of extensive groups of entrepreneurs into associations with the purpose of defending their interest at the government level, which is one of the ways of the evolution of civil society.
Keywords entrepreneurs, industrial policy, representative associations, the stock exchange, conventions industrialists, permanent advisory firm

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