Summary |
The article is a review of the work of the natural historians I. P. Falk and I. G. Georgy who were recommended to the Russian government by their teacher C. Linnaeus. In 1768 they started upon a journey across the Russian Empire as part of the Orenburg team of the Academy’s expedition where Falk was the leader and Georgy acted as his assistant. At that time the team leader suffered from hypohondria, so his aid Georgy and the expedition’s taxidermist H. Bardanes became the expedition’s “drivers’’. The illness and further death of Falk was a dramatic event in the expedition’s history, but at the same time it pushed forward the talented researcher-systematician Georgy. Falk’s team explored the regions of Central Russia, Volga, Urals, the Kalmyk and the Kyrgyz steppe of Central Asia and part of Western Siberia for 6 years. The studies were performed simultaneously in various districts by both the regular staff and university students who also joined the team. The team collected rich geographic, botanical and ethnographic material about the peoples of the Russian Empire which formed the basis of the first ethnographic treatise “Description of all the peoples leaving in the Russian state’’ by Georgy. During their travels the team members created a visual picture of the Empire in the form of drawings of plants, animals, archaeological sites, and cities. The drawings made during that expedition later became illustrations to numerous publications describing Russia. These drawings gave additional stimulus to the evolution of the Russian ethnographic studies.
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